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A'Myri Thornton

Six Steps to Discovering Your Personal Style

By | A'Myri Thornton

Recognize What Hasn't Been Effective.

It's crucial, to begin with an honest evaluation in order to determine what you want to

accomplish. It's important to consider the connection between the clothes you wear and how it affects your state of being because developing your personal style is all about boosting confidence.

Determine How You Want to Present Yourself to the World.

Consider how you would like to be viewed by your friends, family, community, and all other people you interact with. Your own personal style is built on a description of how you wish to present yourself to the world.

Identify Your Inspiration.

It's beneficial to take inspiration from people that fit your shape as you start to establish the foundation for your sense of style. Make a list of people you consider to always be well-dressed, whether they be celebrities, TV characters, or coworkers. Knowing who you look up to will help you better understand your preferences as you develop your own distinctive personal style.

Create a Visual Style Guide.

Make a collection of pictures that represent the kind of look you want to have; look for outfits you'd like to wear, icons that represent your aesthetic, and anything else you can use as a model to help you develop your brand. Pinterest is a fantastic tool for gathering ideas.

Analyze What You Own And Discard What Does Not Align.

You can evaluate what's in your closet with honesty and impartiality if you are clear on the picture you are trying to project of yourself. Examine each item in your present wardrobe individually to see if it complements the look you want to attain. Decide to let rid of anything that is out of alignment. You don't need an unending supply of options to have a closet that serves you well. The ultimate goal is to have a small, complete wardrobe where everything can be used interchangeably and still reflect your style.

Encourage Self-Discovery and Exploration

Give yourself a license to experiment and explore since developing your image takes time. The process of developing your sense of style involves trial and error to assist you figure out what makes you feel the best about yourself. Create unique outfit combinations by experimenting with what's in your closet. Try on silhouettes you've never seen your body in at the store. You can find new opportunities for yourself and be able to project an image that is truly you when you venture outside of your comfort zone.



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