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Gabrielle Kennedy

Activism Through Fashion

By | Gabrielle Kennedy

Throughout the many political movements of our history fashion has been the best way to get messages across. Activism and fashion have gone hand in hand for decades. During the fight against racial segregation in the 60s, Black people wore their “Sunday Best” to protests. These specific outfits were worn to combat the racial stereotypes that Black people were lazy and poor. These outfits as well as many others in years to come were used as a method of passive nonviolent protest.

Another important way fashion made an impact was for The Black Panthers. Black Panther members can be easily spotted by their outfits. Their distinct all-black outfits with a black beret were used as a symbol of militancy. In comparison to the Sunday best outfits, the all-black outfit was used to convey emotions of liberation and strength.

With the political climate the way it is, fashion is such an important tool to get our messages out there and noticed. Recently, fashion can be seen again within the BLACK LIVES MATTER t-shirts displaying saying such as “ I Can’t Breathe” and “Say My Name”. Additionally, the Woman’s Marches wear pink cat hats in direct opposition to the former presidents' comments towards women.

Fashion is always an important part of so many aspects of our culture and its effects continue to achieve progress in making the society we want. These carefully crafted outfits portray the powerful messages each group wants to convey. They are more than just outfits they allow important messages such as these to gain awareness.



Newman, Scarlett. “Fashioning a Protest: What Does an Activist Look Like?” Teen Vogue, 27 Nov. 2020,



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